D. Paul Irwin

1942 – 2014

Paul and Grandson Daniel
Paul in uniform
Paul Irwin's 59th birthday
Paul Portrait
Paul seeing Charles off to University
Paul waving Goodbye
Paul with a new car
Paul with Daughter In Law Kate, Canada Day 2012
Paul with Family 1997
Paul with Family in 1950s
Paul with First Child in 1980
Paul with his Father on his Wedding Day
Paul with his sons
Paul with James at 33 Canfield
Paul with Maxwell at Baptism
Paul with Walter Wright
Prindiville Family Reunion 2013 b
Prindiville Family Reunion 2013
Raking the leaves
Swimming in Elgin Pond
Bike riding
Christmas 2013
in Winter
Jun 08, 06 paul Guta Percha hat 001
Paul at Son Charles’ apartment
Paul and Bev's Wedding Day
Paul and Bev, Xmas 2012
Paul and Bev and James
Paul and Bev at Charles' Wedding
Paul and Bev at Meaford
Paul and Bev at Thanksgiving
Paul and Bev giving Wedding Speaches
Paul and Bev in Uxbridge
Paul and Bev
Paul and Charles at Charles' Wedding
Paul and Charles at High Park
Paul and Charles in Uxbridge
Paul and Charles
Paul and Family 1984
Paul and Family 1996
Paul and Family Christmas 1990
Paul and Grandson Daniel
Paul and Grandson Maxwell
Paul and his brother Rick
Paul and his father's DIY radio
Paul and his Jeep
Paul and James 1991
Paul and James rembrance day
Paul and James
Paul and Sons 1982
Paul and Sons 1984
Paul and Sons 1985
Paul and Suzuki
Paul and Walter and their car
Paul as a child
Paul at Bev's Bowling
Paul at Charles' Wedding
Paul at Drafting table
Paul at Gould
Paul at Grandsons' Baptism
Paul at James' Interment
Paul Christmas 1957
Paul enjoying his job
Paul gathering Leaves in Toronto
Paul goofing around
Paul helping his son James ride a horse for the first time
Paul in 1988
Paul in fancy suit
Paul in front of his house as a youth
Paul in Kanata
Paul in Ottawa
Paul in sunglasses

Donald “Paul” Irwin passed away peacefully and surrounded by loved ones, in the early morning of Monday, December 8, 2014 at the age of 72.

Beloved husband of Bev; Loving father of Charles (Kate) and the late James; Proud grandfather of Daniel and Maxwell; Dear brother of Chris (Susan) and the late Rick (Judi); also survived by his cousin Barbara (Walter) Wright.

Friends are welcome to celebrate his life with us from 2 to 4 pm on Saturday, December 13th, 2014 at the Garden chapel of Tubman Funeral Homes, 3440 Richmond Rd (between Baseline and Bayshore Dr.), Nepean.

A Memorial Service was held starting 4:30 pm on Saturday, December 13th, 2014 at Christ Church Bells Corners 3861 Old Richmond Rd, Ottawa.

A video recording of the service is available online. Browse to http://app.eventbywire.com/viewevent/?id=815-323 and enter the password: Irwin.

In lieu of flowers, we ask you to join a cause very near and dear to Paul’s heart – the fight against Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy – by donating to Cure Duchenne.

Condolences, donations or tributes may be made via www.tubmanfuneralhomes.com or www.ottawacitizen.com.

The Clock of Life

The Clock of Life is wound but once
and no man has the power
to tell just when the hand will stop
at late or early hour.

Now is the only time you own,
live, love, and toil with a will,
place no faith in tomorrow,
for the clock may then be still.